Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brandy's Restaurant Presents...

Wow! It's almost time for my 7th Annual Show at Brandy's Restaurant in Flagstaff, AZ. The dates this year are July 6th through August 2nd. For those of you who are lucky enough to be in the "high country" of Arizona, be sure to plan to visit Brandy's for one of those award winning meals and see my newest watercolors. You can check out Brandy's website at for directions and menu options. As for a sneak preview, I have put "With Sunshiny Faces" (a new sunflower painting) on a gallery wrapped canvas and it's stunning!
The backdrop for the poster above is my watercolor, "Eagle's View of Verde Valley", with the Verde Valley train out of Clarkdale/Cottonwood- another one of Arizona's gems. You'll just have to schedule a visit to see the other paintings that I have planned for the show!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Village of Oak Creek Art Class Organizers

Special thanks to these two ladies, Jan and Sherri, for inviting me to teach their workshop in Oak Creek. It was a lot of fun and everyone had a painting ready for our critique at the end of the day. What an inspiration for me! See my slideshow in the previous posting for an overview of the class and it's members.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Village of Oak Creek Workshop - A Success!

14 wonderful watercolorists joined me on Monday, June 7, 2010 for a full day class in the Village of Oak Creek, AZ, just south of Sedona. You can see from the pictures each are experienced in their own way and came well equipped with their own supplies. We explored together how to paint florals and landscapes using a variety of techniques including glazing, spatter, spray, sponging, and salt. Thank goodness someone had salt to loan me as I had left mine at home!

Enjoy their artwork! We wrapped up the day with a critique of everyone's paintings. It is always fun to see the works as they progress and view them with mat corners. Everyone had such positive comments for each other. It was wonderful to be part of such a warm and supportive group!

... a special thanks to my husband John for taking the photos of each of these inspiring artists!
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