Thursday, June 30, 2011

Brandy's Show is Up!

We finally did it! The show is up and ready for you as you sip and dine at Brandy's Restaurant in Flagstaff. The staff did a great job of helping us along with my husband, John, and grandson, Zach. Our granddaughter, Rachel, was with us as well and spent the time coloring away working on her own masterpieces! So here I am with my painting "Flagstaff Fourth" - the focal point for the show. It will be fun to hear the local folks comments as they check it out. I'll post more paintings as the month progresses. And the most exciting news of all...Brandy has extended the show until August 22nd!!! Wow! Now you really will have plenty of time to stop by.

ps: Don't hurry through the foyer too fast - there are some great little miniatures on the pantry shelf along with another special July 4th painting of Brandy's!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Posters Going Up!

Here is my poster for Brandy's show, designed by Jennie Johnson. Isn't it beautiful? Love the sunflowers - always a favorite in the Northland! Just finishing up the last minute details before we hang the show on Monday afternoon. I have some great surprise pieces that are really going to personalize this show to Brandy's and the 4th of July celebration. Also waiting for the website updates on Brandy's website and the July publication of the Noise... I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Getting Ready for the 4th!

This is a little detail of my painting for the centerpiece at my show at Brandy's Restaurant this year. I am so excited to be showing my work over the July 4th weekend, so I have created a special watercolor from the Flagstaff parade last year. Hope you are planning on a visit to Brandy's - show opens on June 28th! Just 2 weeks to go...